“My Glasses are fogging because of my face mask”

In many places, nearly two out of three people wear prescription glasses. And lately, many of us have the same complaint: Wearing a mask makes our glasses fog.

While the problem is relatively new, it’s a daily challenge for many people, especially those in the work force. We asked them for suggestions on how to wear a mask while making sure we’re still able to see through our glasses.

People who wear glasses already know that eyewear fogs when you walk out of a warm house into the cold outdoor air, or when you open an oven door. When we wear a mask, warm breath can escape through the top edges, along the tops of our cheeks. When the hot air lands on cooler lenses, it creates condensation on the surface and a foggy film. Cold weather makes the problem worse.

So how do I stop the fog?

You can start by improving the seal of the mask around the top of your face.

Mold your mask. Medical masks have built-in, bendable metal strips that you can mold to the bridge of your nose.

Tighten your mask. Adjust the ties or the ear loops so the mask fits snugly against your face.

Tape your mask. Another option is to use white athletic or medical tape or even an adhesive bandage to seal the top of the mask around the bridge of your nose.

Do home lens fixes work?

If you can’t stop the fogging by the treatments mentioned above, try anti-fog home remedies to coat your lenses.

Try soapy water.  Washing them with soapy water and let the glasses air dry can help. The soapy water leaves behind a thin film that stops the water molecules from forming droplets that lead to fog.

Try other home remedies Using baby shampoo, toothpaste or shaving cream may fix the problem. The main challenge of treating your lenses is adding enough of the substance to stop the fog, but not so much that the coating itself blurs the lens.

Get high-quality lenses The level of fogging can be affected by the type of lenses you wear. You can search our collection of high-quality lenses here!

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